Blogger said I could "add some words to your blog - like a welcome message - with our rich text editor". I complied.

PS. I am just going to tell you right now. I do not proofread this stuff. You get it as I think it.

Friday, August 6, 2010

POLL: House invaded by possible rapist/murder or possible Prince Charming

I have no idea what to write about today, so I am just going to tell you a story...

I live in a house with 14 girls, so the place is usually pretty busy. People often have their friends coming in and out, and when we are hanging out in the living room we tend to leave the front door open, because it is hot, so that helps. Well the other day some homeless people walked up to our open door and asked for some blankets (it was SO hot out that day. :S ). We gave him one, but it was just kind of freaky that people could just walk up to our house. He could have walked right in and done ANYTHING. So...... After that we decided to close the door after dark.
However, tonight we left it like half open because there were three or four of us downstairs.

We were watching Angus, Thongs, and Perfect Snogging, and this guy comes up to the front door. Now this was a little different. The homeless man was obviously homeless and a bit over middle-aged. This guy was probably in his early twenties (our age) and he was wearing nice he looked like a Mormon missionary. So I was like "Hi!" and we asked him if he was looking for somebody. Well the long and short of it was that he was not looking for anyone in particular but was just stopping by to say Hi. This is not so out of the ordinary. Sometimes people know people who used to live here and just know a lot about the house. It is a Christian house for girls only, so people from other Christian houses often stop by to hang out or talk to a few people they know who have lived here for awhile. So it was not so weird. But the fact that he did not know anyone who was currently at home and was not waiting for anyone WAS weird. Usually people have people they are coming to see. Well anyway, none of us knew him, so I thought that meant he would leave. But then he would not leave our porch. He was just standing there, and no one said anything. SO AWKWARD. So I was like, "Do you want to come in?" He looked alright, and I believed that he was just here to meet some like-minded individuals. He said some stuff about having had some good times in our house in the past. Good sign. So we all introduced ourselves and asked him about where he went to school, what he was doing with his life, where he lived, and kept watching the movie at the same time. He was like weirdly enthusiastic about the movie, but I assumed he was just trying to make it less awkward.
Then one of the girls who lived here/my friend was like, "So who do you know that lived here?" (Keep in mind that she was playing on her phone this whole time. No eye contact.)
Him: "Well was just like my friend knew someone who..." *trails off* Now, when he was on the porch he talked about someone named Julie, so I had thought maybe that she had lived here before, but he did not name her as an answer to this question. Weird.
Girl I live with: "Well, I am kind of a safety freak and am really uncomfortable having you here."
Him: "I could leave if you want."
Her: "Yeah, that would be great."
After sending a few text messages he left. And I was like "Oh, it was good meeting you. Have a nice night." And etc. Trying to make it less...rude/awkward.
As he was leaving I noticed that he was wearing a backpacking type backpack that was pretty full and holding clothes in his hands. Still. He was wearing a suit (suspicious? or okay?)

What do I think about this? Well...I am not sure. The boy said he lived on 80th. Which is about 30 blocks away from where we live. A lot. So...maybe he was just walking home and got tired of it and wanted somewhere to hang out/take a break at for a bit. OR He was totally not from here and was about to ask us if he could stay the night/rape us. It could be either. That girl that lives here was REALLY freaked out, and she keeps telling the story as if he was a total creeper. I did not get that impression. But still. She COULD have been right. He could have been a bad person, or he could have been exactly who he said he was. Maybe he really was a Mormon missionary. Those fellows walk everywhere. And he was wearing exactly the right clothes. I thought my friend was super rude to him at the time. But still...she could have been in the right. I felt bad for him. But maybe I was in the wrong to be so trusting...

What do you think?


  1. That's always a tough question. I'm a safety freak too, so I probably wouldn't have been very okay with a random stranger just hanging out in my house, but I dunno. That's really strange. People are strange.

  2. That seems like a... strange occurence. But I am actually not sure at all. I tend to be naiive and always think that a person doesn't have bad intentions... but I just don't know.

    If he comes back, that's when you should really start to worry.
