Blogger said I could "add some words to your blog - like a welcome message - with our rich text editor". I complied.

PS. I am just going to tell you right now. I do not proofread this stuff. You get it as I think it.

Friday, August 27, 2010

BEDA Day 27: A poem for me and you

For my BEDA post today, I am going to share a poem. It is not by me, but I really like it and I think the idea behind it is very relevant. Something that I am guilty of. That everybody is guilty of. Anyway, my blog yesterday really reminded me of it.

"With Sincerest Regrets"
BY Russell Edson
(for Charles Simic)

Like a monstrous snail, a toilet slides into a living room on a track of wet, demanding to be loved.
It is impossible, and we tender our sincerest regrets. In the book of the heart there is no mention made of plumbing.
And though we have spent our intimacy many times with you, you belong to an unfortunate reference, which we would rather not embrace ...
The toilet slides away ...

Anyway, yeah. Also, blogger messes up line breaks will just have to experience it without. :(


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