Blogger said I could "add some words to your blog - like a welcome message - with our rich text editor". I complied.

PS. I am just going to tell you right now. I do not proofread this stuff. You get it as I think it.

Monday, August 9, 2010

BEDA Day 9: Human Interest Stories

You know how something can really, really bother you until you say it out loud or write it down, and then as soon as it is outside of your brain you are just over it? That was what yesterday was like. As soon as all that stuff was outside of my mind, I felt better. I even almost deleted my post, because it just did not matter so much anymore. But that would be cheating. :D

Anyway. Today, I am going to tell you some (as in two) stories about people who are not me.

Last summer, there was a day at work in which one of my coworkers got a call, from her parents, saying that her younger sister (about 7) had been hit by a car. Her sister ended up being okay, except she was paralyzed from the waist down. :( Well, I just found out that that little girl's funeral was today. One year later. The last I heard about it, she was getting better... I dunno. Being from a small town, I just feel like I should have paid more attention to the situation. Been there. ...It is just very sad. :(

A girl in my house works for Enterprise Rent-a-Car. According to hearsay this is what happened to her today: A group of people--two girls and one guy--dropped off a car at her work today. They had driven from Kansas to meet up with people who they had met online. However, the people they were supposed to meet with stood them up. So these three people from Kansas are stranded in Seattle. Apparently, they ran out of money at some point, and the one girl was only there, because the other too were using her as a pocket of money. So once they ran out, she got like banished from their good graces. That girl called her mother and the mother wired her money to get a bus home to Kansas. The girl I live with drove her to the bus stop, and the girl talks about there being a cat in the car. She said they had never let the cat out the whole trip, and it was just sitting in its own pee in its little kennel. Also, that they had not fed it because they did not want it to poop, and were just planning on letting it go instead of worrying about it. Um...bad pet owners much? Anyway. So the one girl goes home via bus. But the other two are stuck here in Seattle. The girl I live with had to help them unload the car and all that business. She said that it was full of luggage, as if they thought they were moving, and it reeked of cat pee. She offered to call a place that would take the cat for them and take care of it. But, I guess they had let it go before she got a chance to offer. They said, "We let it out to give it some food, and it just ran away." Lies. So now that cat is just run wild and homeless in the city of Seattle. Now, the car was super messed up and has to get detailed and stuff. Needless to say all the charges are going to go to that poor girl who paid for the trip and went home on the bus. The two people left had no where to be (because the people had stood them up) and no money to get back home (because they were like...planning on staying here with those people long term). But I guess the man had a bunch of ninja swords that he planned on selling or pawning in order to buy bus tickets to get them home to Kansas. And that is all I know up until now...last I heard they were still at Enterprise Rent-A-Car trying to figure themselves out. Trip gone wrong much? :(

K. That is all. NIGHT.

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