Blogger said I could "add some words to your blog - like a welcome message - with our rich text editor". I complied.

PS. I am just going to tell you right now. I do not proofread this stuff. You get it as I think it.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

BEDA Day 26: Two kinds of people

Ask me how cold I am right now. Do it. Do it right now.

Pretty effing cold is the answer. I should really put a sweater on or turn off the effing air conditioning. But...I am too lazy to do these things.

I had a pretty interesting day. Did a lot of "living in the city" or "on the town" type stuff. Went to a Zakk Wylde signing. The thing about that is...signings are just signings. You just gotta get something signed and go. It is a little disappointing. You know? I guess I also have this problem where when I am around someone I think is really badass but who does not know me at all, I get all fangirlly and my brain falls out, and I say stupid incoherent things. Signings are disappointing because it is not really MEETING the person doing the signing. They are forced to pump out signatures in so fast and so short a time that it is almost like a machine. They cannot be themselves so you don't really get to experience them. Both my sister-in-law and I have now "met" Zakk Wylde (She really really met him. Like hung out with him and the band by herself.) while I just shook his hand and mumbled some stupid things at him... However, it is my older brother (married to that sister-in-law) who is the true Zakk Wylde fan and introduced us to him. I just hope...that when one day he finally gets to meet the guy it is in a personally setting where he gets to hang out with the real guy, like my sister-in-law did. I hope he never ever ever has to meet him for just a few seconds, because I am afraid he will get disappointed and stop liking him so much. I would hate that. So so much. I never want anyone I love to get disappointed by their idols. Some people are just best left unmet (not that Zakk was not awesome. I just feel like I did not really meet him at all. It was so fast.). Like celebrity crushes. I have this friend who will never do meet&greets or signings with bands she loves because she is afraid they will disappoint her. I think that is wise.

But anyway. I got something signed for that brother and plan on giving it to him for Christmas. It was a one-signature-per-a-person type deal. So...while I would have loved to have something signed by Zakk Wylde for myself, I think it would mean more to my older brother. Sometimes I wish I was not like this though. One time I gave a significant other something really, really special that I got from my Dad and now I regret it. I doubt that that person really cares about it as much as I did. It meant a lot for me to give it, but I am not sure it meant as much to recieve it. I am afraid that this will happen with my brother. What if he thinks the signature is NBD (no big deal)? (Signed things just do not mean the same if you do not watch the signing take place.) I would be really upset, because I could have gotten something signed for myself... I dunno.... I wonder if my brother would get something signed by one of my idols for me if he had the chance? I think so...I know so. But I worry that the fact that he already has something directly from Zakk (a bandana that my sister-in-law got for him) that he will not care as much and it all would have been a waste...hmmm....

On another note. I had one of my friends stand in line with me, so I could get something signed for my friend Richard, and that I do not regret ONE BIT! Because I know how much he will appreciate it. I already know he is going to love it (because, unlike my brother, it will not be a surprise--we talked about it before). And that makes me feel like I am made of diamonds, because I like to do things for people who like to say thank you. :D

This just makes me think about how there are some people in the world who like things done for them. They like people to do things for them all the time and always ask people to do such things and never really thank them, because they are just used to it. These are the people that get all the attention. Because they demand it all the time. And then there are people who like to do things for people. They like to help people out, because it makes them feel good to do things for other people. But these people also tend to be forgotten and ignored. They do not get nearly the appreciation that they deserve. And then, when the tables are turned on them and somebody actually does something FOR THEM, they are so not used to it that they thank that person a million times over. People who like to do things for people tend to appreciate things being done for them much more than people who just like to have things done for them. You know what I mean? Do you know people like this? I have a friend named Mallory and another friend, Rachel, who are the 2nd kind of people. They just love to do nice things for people all the time, and I think they are not nearly appreciated enough for what they do. I have known Mallory quite a bit longer than Rachel, so I know her better, and I just think she deserves the world twice over for being such a kind, giving person. If I knew Rachel just an ounce better, I would probably say the same. They do not get as much attention, for what they do, as I think they should. *hearts*

Anyway, other than all that. I got to see a sneak preview of the pilot of that new show The Event at a movie theatre today. The show was so-so, but seeing it at a theatre and really early was totally cool and glamorous. My housemate (the friend who came with me to the signing) gave me a ticket, and she is just the sweetest. She did me such a huge favor today. I think she is the 2nd kind of person fersher.

I love everybody.


Also, blogging so much about Zakk Wylde takes me back to the days of my myspace blog. Let's just say his name came up frequently.

PS. The first time I wrote this my Safari closed when I tried to upload it. So I posted an angry blog called "Fuck Safari" (which I will delete soon) but then I found this again in my drafts. THANK GOODNESS. :D

1 comment:

  1. I think we are at that pout where I'm going to thank you a millions times over for being so sweet. I love you Sara and it's fun to do things for you because you appreciate them. Miss you bunches!
