Blogger said I could "add some words to your blog - like a welcome message - with our rich text editor". I complied.

PS. I am just going to tell you right now. I do not proofread this stuff. You get it as I think it.

Monday, August 2, 2010

BEDA Day 2: Dreams

Day 2 of BEDA and I am already regretting the commitment. This post will probably not be very awesome. But it will exist. After all, creative writing teachers always talk about how important it is to write something, anything EVERYDAY. So, here goes...

Most of the action of my day today involved a mid-afternoon nap. You see, I have crazy as hale dreams. Crazy, crazy dreams. I would tell you everything I remember, but that would take forevah and there are only so many minutes of August 2nd left. is just a bit.

I was going to some school. Like physically traveling to it, for the first time. I brought my brothers and late dog with me. In this truck I have. I got the impression that this school a very not real place. Like it was in a vaccum... Like if you have ever been to a conference or convention and the whole world seems to revolve around the hotel building that you are in. It was like that. Even the parking lot was integrated into all the floors of the building. Anyway. I do not know what happened to my brothers when I got there, but they stopped being in the dream at that point. Then I started going to this school and Matt Maggiacomo (The Whomping Willows) was in one of my classes! OMG! AND he was my teacher in another one of my classes! What the hale?! In that same class he was teaching a girl name Eia (from The Parselmouths) was a student in it, and she sat in the front row. And during all of this I kept thinking "OMG! I NEED TO TELL TWITTER THAT MATT MAGGIACOMO IS MY PROFESSOR!!" That thought was a theme THROUGHOUT the dream. But. This being my first experience at this school, I was a total mess. At some point I realized that I had stolen someone else's phone that looked just like mine. And I did the same with my truck. Which is to say, I stole someone's truck and was driving it around until I finally realized that it was not my truck (i guess my key works in all truck haha). Then I was like! Oh SHOOT! I left my dog in the back of my truck! So I had to go remember where my truck was and then when I got there the dog was not there. So we decided to look for him. And for weird reasons that I cannot explain we thought we could not yell his name out loud. BUT LUCKILY! His brain was like Edward Cullen and he could hear us call his name if we just thought it loud enough. It was at that point that I realized that one of the people who I was with was my Edward Cullen-like dog's version of Bella. But she was human. I think that meant one of them transformed between human/dog but there was no evidence that confirmed this. Anyway, once we finally yelled his name outloud he appeared. I suspect that the dog was actually one of my brothers but a dog. So my brother was a dog...with Ed Cullen's brain...
The most interesting part about the dream was my obsession with telling twitter about things. I never actually got to tweet because somehow my asleep brain wanted my awake brain to text twitter. So. Either I was drifting between awake and asleep or I was drifting between awake and asleep WITHIN the dream (like Inception). Because I kept thinking: "Okay wait. Some of this is a dream. Let's sort through how much of this actually happened." The phrase "How much of what I remember ACTUALLY happened yesterday?" kept going through my asleep brain.... When I finally woke up I knew that it was all a dream (very upset that Matt was not actually my professor) and had to make sure I did not actually tweet any of the stuff I kept wanting to...

It was a weird dream. And the weirdest thing was the world where it was taking place. Yellowstone!/Hogwarts/Disney'sSwanHotel/Washington/aSpaceStation is kind of how I would describe it. It was like...everything in the world was inside this bubble...and everything was small again. Like it was when I was in middle school and never thought about the world outside my own...

That is all. I always remember way more of my dreams than I could possibly explain. But that is the long and short of it. ...I have no idea why I decided to blog about this. I should have blogged about the dream I had a few days ago. I only mildly remember it now...but when I woke up that day I was like "HOLY SHIT! I could write a book out of that." Very disappointed that I did not write it was cool. Very, very cool. But whatevah.

Anyway. End rant. So many words. If you have made it this far, I love you. And tell me about a weird dream!!

It seems as though this whole blog every day thing is going to result in a new kind of blogging for me. Usually, I like to blog about the world and my thoughts on it. But here I am...telling you about a dream. Sigh. Oh how the mighty have fallen. XD

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