Blogger said I could "add some words to your blog - like a welcome message - with our rich text editor". I complied.

PS. I am just going to tell you right now. I do not proofread this stuff. You get it as I think it.

Saturday, August 7, 2010


NUMBER 7! You know. Seven is the most magically powerful number. SEVEN HORCRUXES! 13 words ago I had no idea what I was going to write about in this post. Now I know!

There are two reasons why writing about horcruxes is a good subject for today, the seventh day of August. First, because it is the seventh. Duh. Second, because this girl who is TOTALLY awesome named Tianna Weasley had her SEVENteenth birthday today, and she is in a band-- called I Speak Tree --with a super badass song about horcruxes. So here goes...

First off, let me clear up that these are NOT the things I would grab from my house were it on fire and I had three minutes. You know what question I am talking about. The one everyone keeps asking since that movie Leap Year came out. If my house were on fire and I had three minutes, I would probably grab all of my most expensive things, because...well because that shit ain't free. However, those most expensive things are not the things that I would choose to hide bits of my soul in, these are:

1. My copy of Harry Potter:
Once upon a time, shortly before Deathly Hallows came out, I loaned my copy of HP and the Sorcerer's Stone (The first Harry Potter book I ever opened/read/owned. EVER.) to one of my best friends, her name was Amy. Somewhere between the time that I let her borrow it and my remembering, much later, that she had not returned it, she lost it in her house. Her house is pretty large, with a lot of places to loose things. So, that book is still lost in her house somewhere. It has never been found. I feel like this adds a little bit of a I-am-Voldemort-and-need-to-find-all-this-shit-before-I-can-put-my-soul-in-it aura to this horcrux. Usually, I tell her that all of the books are my seven horcruxes and she lost PART OF MY SOUL in her house, to make her feel guilty. "My first horcrux IS LOST! D:" But for the purposes of this blog I will group all seven of the books into one horcrux.

(At this point, I feel like this would be a LOT easier if I were at at my parent's house. I have huge file folders full of memorabilia.)

2. Stuffed animals:
I have this giant pink hippo and this white rabbitish thing that I have had since before...ever. Then I also have this very small brown dogish thing that was present in my earliest memory ever. I have a brown bear that I got when I got my tonsil's taken out. And a white and red bear that my parents gave me the day AFTER Valentine's Day when I was 12...(because I cried on Valentine's Day after all my friends got stuff from their parents at school, and I got nothing.) Finally, I have a green Care Bear with a shamrock on it that I am fond of. One of these things would be a horcrux...maybe all of them together...

3. Ghosts of relationships past:
Mixed CDs. Photographs. Poems. Blankets. Notebooks full of texts I never wanted to forget. Break-up notes. ...Ring... These things might be horcruxes...might. I am over all of these people, so I am not sure...

4. Gable Theatres Inc paraphernalia:
Maybe my name tag. Maybe one of my shirts....a green one. Or maybe some of the 35mm film that I kept... I pretty much grew up at this job--age 16 through 20--and I had my first apartment above one of the buildings means a lot to me.

5. Jewelry:
Locket from my mom. 3 bracelets from my brothers. 1 bracelet from one of my best friends ever, Allie. Claddagh ring and necklace. Purity ring. Gryffindor bracelet. Bracelet from one of my fellow wrestling managers in HS. Mushroom bracelet from one of my best friends in HS, Lily. Rainbow bracelet that a random girl gave me once....just cause I said I liked it... Also, maybe some of the guitar pic earrings I made freshman year... Alsoer, heart necklace from my friend Selena's mom on my 17th.

6. Pins or pictures OR my letterman jacket:
I have a large collection of pins. L-A-R-G-E collection. A lot of which have some awesome memories behind them. I also have a LOT of pictures. But who does not. There are for sure a few in there that I would like to put a slice of my soul in... Like the one of my friends dressed as Disney princesses from the first year I went to DI Global Finals, which has been in a frame on my dresser since...forever. Also. My letterman jacket is ridiculously awesome. It has a dragon on the back. It was given to me on my 17th birthday. Can I just put all these things together as one? Just cause they are all mildly related as explosions of HS memories?

7. Locker key from the Riverton Aquatic Center:
I have no idea why, but when I thought about listing this as a horcrux, it just made sense... There is a locker key from my HS swim team's pool's locker room that has been on my key ring since...2006, I think. Since my junior year...or earlier. Maybe this counts as a high school memory, so it should be in #6, or maybe it counts as a ghost of relationships past, so it should be in #3. I dunno. But right now. I feel like this makes a very good horcrux. I swam in that pool grade seven through high school graduation... So many great memories. :D

Honorary Mention. My guitar:
I would have made this a horcrux, but instead, I am making it my wand. Why? Because when I have it in my hands, I feel....invincible. Like I can do anything. In addition, I feel like it would be a bit unwise to turn something that I have so much interaction with into a horcurx. I do not plan on hiding it away and never touching it again, I plan on using it always so...WANDED!Also, my dad bought it for me, and he could not have possibly picked one more perfect for me. Perfect. My dad has bought be a lot of stuff that is...touching (Harry Potter, my macbook, my letterman), and it all stands for so much in that something special someone got for me. Just like so many of the other things on this list. Being given things is just so...incredibly touching, so I tend to care about those sorts of things more...

I pretty much made this up as I went. Initially, I thought I would get really clever with it like making my brain one or something. But that would require previous planning. Maybe I should think about making a legit scrapbook, which would mean condensing a lot of this. For now though, as something that came to mind as I went, this shall do. NIGHT!

PS! Your horcruxes?!


  1. I like this post a lot! Made me think. My horcruxes.
    1) Baby Doll (Evil Voldemort Baby)
    2) Unicron Silly Band
    3) My Copy of SS
    4) A Rubik's Cube
    5) Lego Millenium Falcon
    6) My Final Battle Script
    7$ House of Awesome CD

  2. im steeling this idea for my blog tomorrow...
    I didnt post yesterday, but i posted two the day before, so i think it counts... ?
