Blogger said I could "add some words to your blog - like a welcome message - with our rich text editor". I complied.

PS. I am just going to tell you right now. I do not proofread this stuff. You get it as I think it.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

If you wear high heels, you WILL be abducted by aliens, and you WILL go blind!

HEYOOOOO!! Man. Day 5. If you read yesterday's blog, I am sorry. Lol. I was super grumpy and tired. College is not really THAT bad.

ANYWAY! On the subject of school. I have a short story due on Tuesday night. Not just A short story. But the most important short story of my life so far. I am pretty sure I know what I am going to write about. But for the mean time, here is a summarized montage of a couple of the terrible ideas that I will NOT be using:

Once upon a time, in a land far, far away there was a girl named um...Jessica. Jessica lived in a world with no light. As in, she was unable to see anything. She did not always live in this dark world. No. Long ago she was able to see everything touched by Earthly light. But everything changed when her family moved to a small town in Wyoming. She could still remember the moment that started it all.
"We're not going," came her mother's voice.
"WHY NOT?!" she exploded.
That was all it took. All Jessica wanted was to run in the last track meet of the season, but her mother felt that the amount of travel it would take to get there wasnt worth one track meet. It was just not practical.
But Jessica was determined. She packed her bags and threatened to run. Threatened. Did she actually think she could walk across three states in time for the meet? Maybe she did, but she did not get far. All it took was a rock, empowered by the weight of Jessica's baggage, to end the journey. A bit of gravity and what felt like eons of crying in a roadside ditch later and she was on her way back home, back to her bedroom, her loving bed.
She fell asleep crying, but she woke up a rebel. A rebel with a hot iron, heels, and a skimpy dress. Before the eyes in the mirror, she transformed. She had never snuck out before, but that did not matter anymore. Getting caught would be as fun as anything. It is not like she had anywhere to go anyway. But she did not get caught. She got out, and that was the end of it all. As she walked through the dead of night, on her way into town, they watched her. When finally she crossed into the darkest leg of her journey, they took her. Alone and away from the world she had once called home.

LOL. That should absolutely not be thought of as an accurate representation of my writing talents. Maybe if I really like my short story, I will post it here, and then you can judge me.

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