Blogger said I could "add some words to your blog - like a welcome message - with our rich text editor". I complied.

PS. I am just going to tell you right now. I do not proofread this stuff. You get it as I think it.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

BEDA Day 14: Sara really has nothing interesting to say (...or at least no motivation to say it), but she will pretend to have a point.

Oh blog. For the first day all month, I nearly forgot about you. It was sunny as hale to day. Sunny and way hot. As a result my skin is a now a light shade of pink. I really have nothing interesting to say.


Well you see. Obviously, I have a problem with the notion of paying for parking. (As you can see from my parking ticket record.) Anyway. So I drove all over downtown Seattle trying to find cheap parking and when I finally found some, I was much further from my destination (The Seattle YouTube Gathering) than I thought. I had to walk for a billion miles to find it. After I left I walked in the direction of where I parked for a long time, but I forgot the exact streets and neighborhood. So I walked around in the hot sun for about a billion years and thought I might have to call someone to tell me where there were parking lots owned by the same company around me. Anyway. I eventually found it. And I know what you are thinking. You are thinking that I learned a lesson. That I will pay more attention to where I park from now on. Wrong. This has happened SEVERAL times before. I am just not used to having to pay so much attention to were I place my vehicle and it is just not a habit I see myself developing anytime soon. The point being that sometimes you just have to accept that you cannot fix every problem. I hate misplacing things. Like my phone and not remembering where I put this shirt or that assignment. But that does not mean I can actually expect to prevent it. Things get lost. Parking spaces get forgotten. I hated walking around for forever trying to find my car in 100,000,000,000,000 degree weather, but I am certain that it will happen again and there is just no use stressing over trying to prevent it.

The end.
I am boring.
I hate what BEDA has done to my blogging.

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