Blogger said I could "add some words to your blog - like a welcome message - with our rich text editor". I complied.

PS. I am just going to tell you right now. I do not proofread this stuff. You get it as I think it.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

BEDA Day 31: I DID IIIIIIIIIIT!! Also, 26 shirts.

OH. EM. GEE. Last day of Beda. Thank goodness. I hated this. I do not write well under pressure. I know...I know...what a detrimental quality for a wanna-be writer...

Anyway. I am super tired right now. Sitting in the basement of a house where I, as of today, know about three people. I only say it is a house because you will take me seriously if I say house. In reality it is Aragog's lair. Spiders. Spiders. Spiders. Also. There is a pile of exactly 26 t-shirts next to me.

I love my bedroom. Love it. It was build for me. I know it. They were like. Sara J Perkins. BAM. Done. The closet is like this perfect shape for me to really fuck around with. Which is to say. Hang things EVERYWHERE. I mean necklaces, purses, scarves, hats, belts, EVERYTHING draping down the walls. Then there is like this ledge all the way across the top bit of the longest wall. I do not even have to worry about getting a bookshelf. It was built in!! Woot. Also. There are seven corners in here (not coutning the 5 corner closet). So many corners! I love corners. They are the only place where I feel truly comfortable putting stuff. It weirds me out to have something just hang out next to a straight wall. Anyway, my carpet and paint are both new (YES!) and this room is much smaller than the one at my apartment. Which is good. I was not made for large open spaces. I like to be confined in small places. So much more comfortable. One of the reasons why I like LOTS of trees. this is why I sometimes tell people I am a bit agoraphobic. It is not a fear. But a preference.

Did I mention the pile of 26 shirts? It is not like a normal pile. They are all laid out flat on top of each other. It is quite curious.

Oh wait. I forgot the one drawback. There is no furniture. (YET.) I have to get my bed from my parents' when I go back to Wyoming for the next week or so. Other than that I plan on just picking up stuff people are done with and giving away for freeee. I need to do that tomorrow. Now is the best time because everyone is moving so therefore giving away their stuff. I am a scavenger. Living off the land. Sometimes scavengers are bad... :( Anyway, tonight I just plan on curling up in a ball in a corner with my bed a nest. Like Kreacher. I do hope I get this place decorated before I go...Did I mention I have a job interview tomorrow AND the next day? Well...I did now. Too bad I have to go to Hogwarts tomorrow and will miss both of them. ;)

Anyway. That is just me talking. I am done now. Just excited about how much I love my new quarters. Finally have my own room again. It. Has. Been. AGES.

Okay. So as for September...well. I will explain it tomorrow...sigh. But the main idea is that I focus on the "List of Things to Do" that I made a few blogs ago and accomplish one or more of them every single day. No matter what it is. As long as I do SOMETHING. ANYTHING. And I will post here what I do, so then I cannot be so lazy as I usually am. The kind of lazy that makes me feel unaccomplished and what not.

Anywhoser. I am done with this. I have said it a million times this month, and I will say it again. I do not like blogging like this. A blog, for me, is an outlet of expression. This kind of blogging--the turning one out every single day when you do not have time for creativity kind of blogging--is just like diary keeping...and it is not my niche. Nevah again. It is like the difference between a vlog and a creative youtube video. You know? I am not a vlog kind of blogger. I am a self proclaimed creative expression kind of blogger. Haha.


PS Remind me to buy hangers tomorrow. I have got these 26 shirts....


Monday, August 30, 2010

BEDA Day 30: Packs of wild dementors are flooding the streets

Uggggh. Day 30. I am depressed today. But when I get depressed, I do not just get sad about something in the present or whatever, but I start to think all these terrible things about life in general. Maybe that is what everybody does. But I start to fixate on memories and think how nothing ever turns out the way a person imagines it and then I just feel like there is no such thing as happiness except in our imagination.

Just an hour or so ago I was doing some deep cleaning at my house (one of the things we have to do before we move out) and listening to a mix CD that my friend Amy gave to me just a few hours before I left to move to Seattle. And it got me thinking about how excited I was to move here and how I imagined it all. And then I thought about how none of it was the way I had hoped, and how 2010 had been mostly bad...and then I was just... upset. I felt like I could never be happy because nothing would ever be as good as I imagined. Then I just got all worried that happiness would never exist, and I was just getting by because there was no other option. (Reminds me of Resume by Dorothy Parker but you know...a bit less morbid). Needless to say it was very dementor like... I felt as if I had never been happy and would never be happy again and could not imagine what happiness was like anymore or how it came to be. I even decided that last fall when I was living with my friend Allie was the happiest time of my life, and truly regretted giving it all up...

Mostly I just wanted it to rain or snow or ANYTHING. I think I have seasonal depression but mine it when the sun shines too much... I dunno...

Well anyway. So I was super depressed and I am getting a bit more depressed just typing about it right now. But then after I finished cleaning I sat down to write this blog and one of my roommates was watching Friends and I laughed a lot and felt better. Laughing is my patronus.

Anyway. Yeah. Was sad. Feel a bit better. Moving into my new place tomorrow. Wish me luck...

Also. I have plans for a September thing. I am calling it "Do Shit Every Day in September", because even though I kind of hated this whole BEDA thing and felt like it turned this blog into something I never intended, I still did it everyday. Which is pretty awesome. Remember that blog when I worried about never accomplishing anything? Well. In September I am going to do shit. More on this tomorrow.

Quote of the moment: "It hasn't been your day, maybe your month, or even your year..." mhmmmm.

NIGHT. and Love!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

BEDA Day 29: Poem up for critiquing...

So earlier today I posted a poem here for critiquing. But then I took it down and made few edits. It is a bit better now but still not even close to being complete. I wrote this this morning and edited it just now. I am concerned about fluidity between ideas and rhythm. Let me know if you feel like you understand it and how the poem's ideas flowed for you. Did you feel cheated by any of it? Was there any particular part that you feel the rhythm distracted you to the point of leaving the passage of the poem? I dunno. Just let me know what you think in general. Keep in mind. This is pretty much first draft material, so you are allowed to be as harsh as you want. Honesty is nothing but helpful.

I am currently trying to compose my portfolio to apply for the Creative Writing major so I might start posting more poems/stories to get feedback. I need to make them as good as humanly possibly. So seriously, any and all feedback is welcome. :)

Sometimes it snows in September
and I wear a winter coat
Sometimes it merely rains
and I sport a spring umbrella
Sometimes it shines the same as August
and still I buy new clothes
To wear them proudly
and peal them off with you
To throw them out and watch them dance
like secrets in the wind
And come October as they start to settle
we lay among them together
Reminiscing of the days when we used to feel
just like September

By December’s end you’re gone
And I stand
naked in my winter coat
Thinking how unreasonably fond we were
of the fall

My personal opinion is that the journey from September to October is unintentionally jarring. That it gets to the idea of disappointment before truly establishing the romantized situation...Maybe I should just take October out all together? I think I just put it in because I really like the idea of a person feeling like September. Originally, I wanted to make it a more intimate examination of a person and then someone saying "you feel like september" but it feels like overkill in this situation...maybe take it out and save it for later?

On another note, remember that giant "To Do" list I made before I was done with school? I have accomplished number 1, will be working on number 7 starting tomorrow, am in the process of number 2, will be doing all of number 4 the week after next, and am clearly working a bit on 8 and 12. Also, done a sliver of 14. I guess I am doing okay. But I need to keep hammering away at it.

Also, the decision to post this poem today was really great motivation for me to gets some writing done. I am thinking for September I make a deal to post a poem or story once or twice a week. Would you read? They probably would not be spectacular...but at least I would be working on them...

POLL: If you have read the Hunger Games, would it be a bad idea for me to listen to the audio book while I drive back to Wyoming? Should I just wait and actually READ it instead? I do you think that might affect the experience positively or negatively?


Saturday, August 28, 2010

BEDA Day 28: I am in like with my own fictional character and so are you

You know that phenomenon that takes place when you find someone that you sort of kind of like (but maybe do not really know all that much) and then you project all of your ideas and desire for affection onto them? Like with celebrities and the like? I think it is just an intriguing but incredibly annoying event. When you know that this person is not somebody who should be in your head all the time. Talking, altering your behaviors, affecting your decisions. It makes me feel weird. I feel like I went without this "voice" in my head for at least a year or so..but maybe I am wrong. Maybe we always have it. Maybe I just replaced it with like fictional characters or celebrities or whoever between the times when it has been real people. I you have a voice in YOUR head? I wonder if there was every a time when I truly did not. You know...I really really think there was. Must have been. I remember it actually...I think. And it was the best. It is that "after break up" feeling when you learn to be yourself again. i wonder if after that wears off I am ever truly me... I want to be who I am, because of me, because of what I like. And I want these nobodies--who should not even really matter to me because I am just imagining them differently than they actually are--out of my head...

Makes me think of the whole Edward Cullen phenomenon. People love him so much BECAUSE they know so little about it. They can project whatever they want onto him. That is what makes him such a genius character (yeah. I said it. Stephanie Meyer did something genius. Was it a conscious decision or just something that occurred naturally because that is how we are.), because it takes the place of that desire to believe something perfect exists. He is a blank canvas for anybody to project any ideals and desires onto.

I dunno. Anyway. Voice in the head? Person who will not get out of your thoughts? Do you have one? Do you want it gone? I want it gone. I want this person who is more imagination that reality to disappear. But to be fair. I can reasonably say that it is not really that person who is in my mind. Maybe I can change the person's name and a few other things and just turn him into a fictional character and then it will not count as that person anymore. Maybe I could make a story out of him. Haha. Strategies to get people out of your head: Turn them into fictional characters and forget the real person you hardly know.

Anyway. Did that make sense? Prolly not. Can this also be considered No Edits in August? NEA? Haha. Or No Proofreading in August: NPRA (XD NPR).

Also. Update on the birthday situation. Remember that Harry Potter Exhibit job I mentioned? My interview/audition is at 1pm on my birthday. What does that mean? It means prolly no going out the night before. As for the day of...I guess my dad got me a ticket to see Creedence Clearwater Revival on the 3rd in Wyoming. So it seems as though I will spend my big day getting ready for an interview and then driving to Wyoming the rest of the night so as to be in Wyoming in time for the concert. i like to travel so I suppose that is okay. I will listen to an audio book or something. As for the internet party...I guess I still wanna do it, but I just need to figure out when it will not be awkward to do it, as I will be at my parents' house Sept 3-15...hmmm....anyway. End


Friday, August 27, 2010

BEDA Day 27: A poem for me and you

For my BEDA post today, I am going to share a poem. It is not by me, but I really like it and I think the idea behind it is very relevant. Something that I am guilty of. That everybody is guilty of. Anyway, my blog yesterday really reminded me of it.

"With Sincerest Regrets"
BY Russell Edson
(for Charles Simic)

Like a monstrous snail, a toilet slides into a living room on a track of wet, demanding to be loved.
It is impossible, and we tender our sincerest regrets. In the book of the heart there is no mention made of plumbing.
And though we have spent our intimacy many times with you, you belong to an unfortunate reference, which we would rather not embrace ...
The toilet slides away ...

Anyway, yeah. Also, blogger messes up line breaks will just have to experience it without. :(


Thursday, August 26, 2010

BEDA Day 26: Two kinds of people

Ask me how cold I am right now. Do it. Do it right now.

Pretty effing cold is the answer. I should really put a sweater on or turn off the effing air conditioning. But...I am too lazy to do these things.

I had a pretty interesting day. Did a lot of "living in the city" or "on the town" type stuff. Went to a Zakk Wylde signing. The thing about that is...signings are just signings. You just gotta get something signed and go. It is a little disappointing. You know? I guess I also have this problem where when I am around someone I think is really badass but who does not know me at all, I get all fangirlly and my brain falls out, and I say stupid incoherent things. Signings are disappointing because it is not really MEETING the person doing the signing. They are forced to pump out signatures in so fast and so short a time that it is almost like a machine. They cannot be themselves so you don't really get to experience them. Both my sister-in-law and I have now "met" Zakk Wylde (She really really met him. Like hung out with him and the band by herself.) while I just shook his hand and mumbled some stupid things at him... However, it is my older brother (married to that sister-in-law) who is the true Zakk Wylde fan and introduced us to him. I just hope...that when one day he finally gets to meet the guy it is in a personally setting where he gets to hang out with the real guy, like my sister-in-law did. I hope he never ever ever has to meet him for just a few seconds, because I am afraid he will get disappointed and stop liking him so much. I would hate that. So so much. I never want anyone I love to get disappointed by their idols. Some people are just best left unmet (not that Zakk was not awesome. I just feel like I did not really meet him at all. It was so fast.). Like celebrity crushes. I have this friend who will never do meet&greets or signings with bands she loves because she is afraid they will disappoint her. I think that is wise.

But anyway. I got something signed for that brother and plan on giving it to him for Christmas. It was a one-signature-per-a-person type deal. So...while I would have loved to have something signed by Zakk Wylde for myself, I think it would mean more to my older brother. Sometimes I wish I was not like this though. One time I gave a significant other something really, really special that I got from my Dad and now I regret it. I doubt that that person really cares about it as much as I did. It meant a lot for me to give it, but I am not sure it meant as much to recieve it. I am afraid that this will happen with my brother. What if he thinks the signature is NBD (no big deal)? (Signed things just do not mean the same if you do not watch the signing take place.) I would be really upset, because I could have gotten something signed for myself... I dunno.... I wonder if my brother would get something signed by one of my idols for me if he had the chance? I think so...I know so. But I worry that the fact that he already has something directly from Zakk (a bandana that my sister-in-law got for him) that he will not care as much and it all would have been a waste...hmmm....

On another note. I had one of my friends stand in line with me, so I could get something signed for my friend Richard, and that I do not regret ONE BIT! Because I know how much he will appreciate it. I already know he is going to love it (because, unlike my brother, it will not be a surprise--we talked about it before). And that makes me feel like I am made of diamonds, because I like to do things for people who like to say thank you. :D

This just makes me think about how there are some people in the world who like things done for them. They like people to do things for them all the time and always ask people to do such things and never really thank them, because they are just used to it. These are the people that get all the attention. Because they demand it all the time. And then there are people who like to do things for people. They like to help people out, because it makes them feel good to do things for other people. But these people also tend to be forgotten and ignored. They do not get nearly the appreciation that they deserve. And then, when the tables are turned on them and somebody actually does something FOR THEM, they are so not used to it that they thank that person a million times over. People who like to do things for people tend to appreciate things being done for them much more than people who just like to have things done for them. You know what I mean? Do you know people like this? I have a friend named Mallory and another friend, Rachel, who are the 2nd kind of people. They just love to do nice things for people all the time, and I think they are not nearly appreciated enough for what they do. I have known Mallory quite a bit longer than Rachel, so I know her better, and I just think she deserves the world twice over for being such a kind, giving person. If I knew Rachel just an ounce better, I would probably say the same. They do not get as much attention, for what they do, as I think they should. *hearts*

Anyway, other than all that. I got to see a sneak preview of the pilot of that new show The Event at a movie theatre today. The show was so-so, but seeing it at a theatre and really early was totally cool and glamorous. My housemate (the friend who came with me to the signing) gave me a ticket, and she is just the sweetest. She did me such a huge favor today. I think she is the 2nd kind of person fersher.

I love everybody.


Also, blogging so much about Zakk Wylde takes me back to the days of my myspace blog. Let's just say his name came up frequently.

PS. The first time I wrote this my Safari closed when I tried to upload it. So I posted an angry blog called "Fuck Safari" (which I will delete soon) but then I found this again in my drafts. THANK GOODNESS. :D

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

BEDA Day 25: Life is like that.

I am drink diet root beer out of a purple Kaplan University cup. I remember getting this cup. I was walking through a part of campus that is now shut down for construction. It came with free pizza with the exchange of an email address for solicitations. A cup and free pizza in exchange for permission to solicit. Sometimes life is like that. But now I have diet root beer on ice in a cup that no one can see through to judge me for drinking soda and not water at this hour. It occurs to me that this cup is designed specifically for that purpose. To hide what a person is drinking. Alcohol. Or the premise of it.

I picked a house today. I picked a big, beat up, creepy house full of messy awkward nerds my age over a small, nice, well maintained, uncomfortably intimate house full of older, more responsible people. Did I make the right choice? I dunno. I think one of my main motivational factors was to pick a place that I would not mind bringing friends to. I wanted a house that felt as little like my parents as possible. So I picked a house that felt like it was in the thick of things rather than a house that felt a bit out of the way. In exchange for that I sacrificed cleanliness and aesthetic pleasure. Sometimes life is like that. But now I have a place to put my things that allows me to hide from the world as efficiently as possible.

I am unreasonably excited for school to start. Fall feels nice. It feels new. It feels exciting. And for once in my damned life I feel prepared for school to start. I feel like I will have myself together well enough to make a good, fresh start on my classes. Instead of starting out behind and never really catching up.

Did I tell you I am going to substitute teach when I go back to Wyoming for a couple weeks? Did I also tell you that I do not really like substitute teaching? I have to dress up nice and watch over kids all day in exchange for money and several hours of misery. Sometimes life is like that.


BEDA Day 24: Journaling

Well shoot! Looks like I done lost track of time!

I have been redoing my resume to be geared toward being an exhibit actor at the Harry Potter Exhibition. If you cannot forgive me for the late blog for that reason, then you cannot forgive me for anything.

You know the thing about life when you have no real obligations is that time feels...weird. I never feel like I really ACCOMPLISHED anything these days, so I never feel like it is really time for bed. Sleeping, for me, is an escape from stress. If I have no stress to escape from, then why on earth should I ever have to sleep?

Also, there is something about the day that is just not creative for me. I have a hard time accomplishing things when people are around. Maybe I get distracted. Maybe I feel insecure trying to be creative while people are watching me... who knows... So when it is night time and everyone is asleep, I feel very free. I mean...I could go to sleep right now. But I think I would rather stay up doing stuff. Just because I feel like it. However, I have a really busy day ahead of me tomorrow. Advising appointments and a bjillion house showings to go to. I am seeing my favorite first....lets hope it works out...

Oh wait. Did I mention? This whole applying for the HP position means I am going to have to stay in Seattle a bit longer than I expected. Which means if I get called in to work in WY (I signed up to be on call as a substitute teacher Aug 30-Sept 14) I am just going to have to lie and tell them I am working somewhere else that day or something...I dunno...

Anyway, those are just thoughts. Whatevah.

Monday, August 23, 2010

BEDA Day 23: Story time!

Hello blog! Today, I am going to tell you a story about my childhood.

When I was in 2nd grade, right before Halloween, my parents moved to a new place, and I had to change schools (this was the first time that we moved after I was old enough for school). My older brother, and I transfered into the same elementary school. I was in 2nd grade and he was in 5th. On the play ground of this school, there was a little kids playground right next to the school and WAY ACROSS the asphalt there was another playground for the older kids. Now. Nobody made me aware of this difference. Nobody said, "Hey Sara, you need to play on this side of the playground!" Nope. They just let me run wild and free. So I ran over to the other playground where my brother was playing and played with the older kids. (Now that I write this, I wonder why none of the grown ups noticed that I was far too small to be old enough for that playground.) Well anyway, there I was just playing with the big kids. And when the big kids lined up to go back in for school, I ran back over to the other playground where I belonged. Well. Not only did they neglect to tell me that I was supposed to stay on the one playground, they also neglected to tell me that the big kids' recess was significantly longer than the 2nd grader's. So I went to go line up and there was nobody on my playground. I was FREAKING OUT! As I walked in toward the classroom my mind raced with excuses to make if I got in trouble. But I did not. I just walked into the classroom (which was already in session), mumbled something about the bathroom, and sat down.

That is probably my most vivid memory of that school (we only stayed until the end of the school year). Although I do remember spending a lot of time sitting alone in the windowsills during recess for most of the rest of my time there...

Make of that what you will. :)


Sunday, August 22, 2010

BEDA Day 22: A short story...

Hey guys. Um....I am going to post a short story here. Keep in mind this is a work in progress. It is by no means a finished story. If you read it, could you give me some feedback? My concerns are that it reads too fast and there is no emotional investment for the reader. I just read it and felt totally alienated emotionally, but I am the writer, after all. So let me know what you think. Do I need to slow it down with a little more emotional tension? You can give me feedback on other things as well... Tell me what you think the point is...etc.


By: Sara J Perkins

It is a well known fact that one’s persuasive abilities increase with volume. It is another well known fact that volume increases with wine. No stranger to this, the master of Israel’s wine house always keeps an assistant on duty and a firm staff close at hand. More than once he’s had to employ these precautions against men who forget they are men and not beasts. A slip of the mind that happens to even the best of men, especially, it seems, today, the day of the big debate between King Saul and the Bethlehemite, David.

Within an hour of the debate’s completion, Israel’s House of Wine was filled to capacity. Men of all ages, some clad in tunics, others dressed in robes, coated every surface of bench space. Cheeks glowing, beards pooling with wine, they chattered amongst each other with such enthusiasm that hardly a man could distinguish the words of the person speaking to him.

Two men, sitting at the center of the longest table, had given up on speaking and sat in silence, listening to the babble. Their names were Absalom and Asahel. They had been together since early that morning--well before sunrise--when they got in line to see the debate. It had been a long few hours, and they were content enough to sip at their wine, nudging one another here and there, as a cue to listen in on something humorous.

Absalom had just directed his elbow into Asahel’s bicep, making eye contact and nodding toward a man across the table from them. The man had locked his lips around the mouth of his flask and thrown his head back for the sake of gravity, but the wine was flowing out of his flask faster than he could swallow it. It was spilling out the edges of his mouth and weaving itself through his cropped greying beard. This was Joab, he was known for his calculated toughness, for being both strong and intimidatingly witty. As a man who generally never flinched without strategy, Absalom and Asahel were quite amused to see him behave so impulsively. Laughing to each other, they watched as he downed the last drop of wine and slammed his flask on the table while simultaneously whipping his head into regular position. However, the quick jerking of his head had caused the wine building up in his beard to projectile as he moved. It reached his pale tunic at about the same time that his flask hit the table, leaving him with a necklace of wine splattered across his chest. A moment later and Absalom and Asahel were besides themselves with laughter, grasping at each other’s sleeves to keep from falling on their faces with amusement. They were not the only ones who noticed. Several men in their proximity had stopped conversations to laugh along, as well. Joab, realizing that he was the subject of their merriment, discovered the mess he’d made and scowled, as he rubbed away at his chest, before removing himself on the premise of getting more wine.

Joab’s real intention was to make his way to the wash room. Weaving his way through the crowd, he caught what he could of the conversations that he passed. A few men were discussing the day’s weather, others were still marveling at the event’s decor. Joab listened to them analyze patriotic rosettes as he passed into a tiny room shaped with the same cobblestone walls as the main house and lit by nothing but a low oil lantern flickering away next to the wash bowl he sought. He began scrubbing his tunic, meanwhile considering the men’s conversation. He had to admit, those rosettes had been something to behold. The whole ordeal, in fact, had been decorated with such acute attention to detail that he made a note to personally congratulate the man who’d conducted it. It struck him that, that man might have been King Saul, himself. The more he reflected on it, the more obvious it seemed. It would be King Saul, he thought. Joab had never approved of the King’s taste for frilly embellishments. This morning, he nearly fell on his face when he saw the King step onto his speaking box in a long robe that was brighter than the day and shinier the sea, itself. All those colors had seemed inappropriate next to David’s humble shepherding tunic. Very inappropriate, he decided, stepping out of the room and actually heading to get more wine this time.

At the long table, Absalom and Asahel were still occupying themselves with what they could hear and see of the goings on. Having already laughed themselves out over the spectacle of Joab, their attention was currently directed at an enormous man at the table farthest from the entranceway. His head and shoulders were visible above the sea of heads between them. He was wide set and more muscular than any man they had ever seen. They did not know his name but were beginning to form suspicions by the time Joab reappeared, clean tunic-ed and a full flask in each hand. Smiling into the faces of the men watching him return, he posed a question that had nothing to do with the subject of him or the wine he carried.

“What did you fellows make of Saul’s robes today?” he said with a rolling eye and a twitch of the eyebrows. He’d spoken loud enough that at least a handful of men in their direct vicinity had picked up on the subject.

The crowd responded with an amused, “Oho!” that crescendoed in unison. That, alone, was enough to pick up the curiosity of few more stragglers. From what Asahel could tell, this was suddenly the most focused conversation anybody had seen all day. He scanned the room, focusing on how many people around him were still engaged in other conversations and how many were joining in on Joab’s banter.

“A bit ridiculous if you ask me!” chimed in someone Asahel couldn’t see, but whose voice he recognized as his friend, Solomon’s. The crowd laughed its approval.

“I was looking to elect a King, not a goldfish, Saul!” hollered another man. The crowd went on like that for awhile, the laughter rising as each man felt the need to throw in his own joke or two.

After about two minutes of this, Absalom cut across an older man named Jesse, sitting to the left of him.

“I don’t know,” he said with a mischievous smile, “maybe David shouldn’t have dressed so plainly. I mean, at least Saul tried.” It was the inflection in his voice that confused people. A few of them understood and responded with mocking “ooo” sounds. Others merely laughed awkwardly, and the rest stayed quite. Joab, rolling his eyes at Absalom, was issuing an exaggerated “haha” sound. When he stopped, he took a moment to compose himself, before adding, quite seriously, his opinion on the matter.

“No, I think David did well to dress the way that he did,” he said.

“Yes,” continued the man Jesse, voice stern, “it was very humble, shows that he is a working man, like us--”

“'Working man?' When has David ever worked?” interjected Absalom, irritated. “He’s been living in the palace since boyhood!” Several angry murmurs shot through the crowd in response.

“Hold on, now,” piped in Asahel, shocked at his friend’s rudeness. “What can we possibly know of these things? We’re far too young to have been--”

“I heard it from Saul, today, in his speech,” cut in Absalom, “You were there, you--”

“Heard it from Saul?” scoffed Joab. “I could count, on one hand, the number of good things that have come out of that man’s mouth! Now,” he paused, intent on Absalom, “you listen to me. David is a great warrior. He has done great things for Is--”

“David is a murderer.

The yell came from the enormous man Absalom and Asahel had been admiring earlier. The man’s volume, alone, could have silenced the room, but what he was insinuating greatly amplified the effect. As every eye in the house turned toward him, the enormous man got to his feet. He was nearly too tall to fit below the cold, cobblestone ceiling. The people marveled as they took in his gigantic shape. He appeared to have more muscles on one leg than any of them had ever seen on one whole person. When he reached his full height, he spoke again.

“From what I hear,” said the man, “that David has spent the years running across the land, killing every--”

“No. You’re wrong!” came a young voice that carried in pitch rather than volume, “David was fighting for Israel!” Every eye in the house searched for the source of this bold interruption. They found it in a small boy of about fifteen, standing up on the far end of Absalom and Asahel’s table, entire arm pointing fiercely in the direction of the gigantic man. “It’s Saul that’s the murderer!” he continued. “Don’t you know how he’s been trying to kill off David for years?”

At the end of the boy’s proclamation, every man in the house reacted. Most cried cheers of approval and hurtled their own insults at the giant man, others contradicted the boy, telling him he was too young to understand these things and shouldn’t be spreading such lies, while still more focused on getting him to come down from the table and out of harm’s way, but by the time they got him down, the effort seemed futile. In seconds, the whole wine house had erupted in furious arguments. Men who had contradicted the boy were intercepted by men cheering him on, and each became so quickly absorbed in making himself heard over his opponent that nothing else seemed to exist. Joab, shouting directly into the face of a younger, much fitter man who had him by the collar, was not the least bit aware of the savage argument his friend Jesse was having with a foreign looking man in strange, flowing pants or of the wrestling match that broke out, within an inch of his foot, after Asahel had taken a swing at Absalom for getting them in this mess. The level of commotion in the wine house had far exceeded itself, and hardly a soul was in the state to notice it.

The house master appeared to be the only exception. Behind the bar, he was scrambling over his assistant, frantic to get to his staff before anything serious happened, but just as he wrapped his hands around its thick body, the uproar ceased.

An old man, with a look frailer than death, had called for silence with authority that went beyond the comprehension of an average man. It was Samuel, the most respected man in all of Israel. He had gotten to his feet and, with the support of a worn staff, was limping around the benches, instructing men to return to their seats.

“The argument you men are having is senseless,” he said, addressing the men as he continued to limp among them. “Only the Lord, Yahweh can appoint the King of Israel, and I have it on his authority that Saul is a sinner, unfit to rule. He will be replace by David in the days ahead.” At this announcement, many of the men began to cheer, but Samuel silenced them with a scold. He directed the last few men to their seats and made his way to the door, exiting with a finality that inspired the David supporters into a boisterous applause.

Absalom and the more dedicated Saul supporters sat in silence while the rest of the room joined in a hearty chorus of “Saul has killed his thousands, and David his ten thousands!” They sang with complete abandon until the house master emerged from behind the bar, staff in hand, and began herding them out the door.

BEDA Day 21: Finding faith in weird places...

So this morning at 7:22 am I was working on my short story. I had about a page or so left to write. But I was starting to get very tired. Tired to the point were I could not motivate my fingers to keep typing or my brain to click. When this happens to me I like to "think about what I am going to write next" for a minute and lay down and close my eyes. The intention is that I will plan out stuff and get a bit rested and then keep going. I have written whole assignments in this way many times. I call it "writing in my sleep". However, this also tends to end badly. Like with me falling asleep and not getting up in time to properly finish the assignment.

Well anyway. So this morning I was getting real tired and I decided I would think/nap for exactly 30 minutes. I figured it would energize me enough to get me through the rest of the job. So I set the loudest possible ringtones on my phone and laid down to think.

Now let me take a moment to explain to you exactly how dangerous this was. The assignment that I had due this afternoon was worth 50% of my grade in this class, and my instructor in that class is the most strict instructor I have ever had. I once did not get credit on a really big assignment in her class because I submitted it online exactly 30 SECONDS late. She does not fuck around about not accepting late work. She really just DOES NOT accept it. At all. No leniency what so ever. So it was either get this done and submitted by exactly 1pm or fail the class.

Well anyway. Guess what happened. I SLEPT THROUGH MY ALARMS!! I laid down for that little cat nap and slept right through the loudest alarms on my phone. Actually, when I finally did wake up I checked my alarms and apparently I woke up just enough to reset all the alarms (as in erase them) and then fall back asleep. Which I do not remember at all.

But here is the amazing part. By 7:22 am this morning I had gone 19.5 hours without sleep. Which is and isn't a pretty big deal. Not enough to knock you out for a week, but enough to make you pretty effin sleepy. In addition to that I had not slept a whole lot this week (finals week=many nights of no sleep), so we can go ahead and assume that I was tired enough that, if nothing woke me up, I could have slept through the day. THIS COULD HAVE HAPPENED. I had fallen asleep after turning off all my alarms and could have ended up sleeping right through the deadline for my portfolio. Or at least sleeping late enough that I would not be able to finish it in time and still would have failed (that teacher is pretty strict about completeness too). (BTW If I had failed that class I pretty much would have had to change my major because there is almost no way I could finish is, scheduling wise, if I had to take this class over.)

So here comes the miracle. I had set my alarms for 8:00am, 8:01am, and 8:02am. Those are the ones I slept through. At 8:38am I woke up and quickly realized where I was and what still needed to be done, WITH NO ALARM. I got up, started working and got my portfolio done at 12:49pm and turned in (without an ounce of proofreading...oh well) at 12:52pm. 8 minutes before the due time. The 93 frantic minutes I spent typing up my 6 page cover letter (I just wrote it as I thought it. No organization. Nothing. Just like these blogs.) were honestly the SCARIEST THING THAT HAS EVER HAPPENED TO ME! IN MY LIFE! My entire future weighed on my turning this one assignment, acceptably complete by the 1pm deadline, and I managed with just a fraction of time to spare.

The point is. What if I had slept any later? What if I had slept until 11am or even 9am? There is no way I could have possibly finished my story and my cover letter in time. I promise you. No way possible. I already wrote them as quickly as I could and just barely go it done. For all that could have happened, I could have slept until 2pm and had no chance! It is just such a miracle that I woke up at all, let alone with exactly enough time to rush through the project.

I have to say. My faith just that little bit stronger because of this story. Somebody in the universe was with me today. Looking out for me. And I feel like, more than ever, that I am doing the right thing. That I am supposed to be working towards that Creative Writing degree. I feel like I am doing something right, and today was the universe's (God's) way of showing me. Maybe it was luck, maybe it was the result of a well trained subconscious, which are just as possible, but I think it was something more. It was too perfect. And I am so incredibly grateful. 8:38am guys. Just woke up. In perfect time. Best this ever.

Friday, August 20, 2010

BEDA Day 20: BUSY!



PS. Have I ever told you how much I love words? Man. They are awesome. But such a bitch. I seriously just spent the last hour or three arranging and rearranging one paragraph.

Also. I love verbs. Especially ones that pretend to be nouns from time to time.

K, but really though. SEE YOU ON THE OTHA SIDE!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

BEDA Day 19: The present is a strange experience.

I have one more project left to do for this quarter. One. It is a big one. Very important. (Short story revision and extended metacognition.) But it is only one. After I finish it I will be free. And like anyone who finds themselves nearing freedom from the clutches of academia, I have been dreaming of all the things I am going to do with my free time. Here is a list (If you haven't noticed I quite like lists):

1. Find a new place (Days till move out: 11.5)
2. Make some dollars (aka LOOK FOR AN EFFING JOB)
3. Read the Hunger Games (I am afraid that I will like it too much... I am dumb.)
4. Visit the Riv!
4a. Get new drivers license
4b. Go to the doctor
4c. Move all of my belongings to Seattle (... bittersweet)
4d. Possibly work
4e. Do everything else
5. Go to Boston! (Sept. 16-21)
6. Play guitar, constantly
7. Move into my new place. Like actually MOVE in. I have moved so much in the last two years that I never really finished moving in anywhere before move out again. I need to make it feel like home.
7a. Go through all my junk
8. Work on my application to the Creative Writing major
8a. Write a lot of poems
8b. Work on some short stories
8c. Get feedback
9. Make some of the youtube videos that have been swirling around him my head
10. Write some of the music that has been swirling around in my head :)
11. Read. Everything.
12. Write. Everything.
12a. Prepare for NaNoWriMo?!
12b. Write some higher quality blogs. XD
13. Watch some of the TV shows people keep recommending...
14. Apply for internships

Yeah. That is all. Think I will have enough time for it all? Maybe if I spend less time on Facebook and Twitter. haha. Maybe it will be good for me to not have a job. I honestly have not had so much time without any obligations at all (school, job, etc) since... The summer of 2005? Unless you count Spring Break in 2009... other than that. I have always had work, homework, or packing (if you count that week in 2008 between when I quit my job&when I moved to DU) to think about every second for the last 5 years. Maybe this will be different... Maybe not. But I am optimistic.

That is all.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

BEDA Day 18: Who thought this was a good idea? Was it YOU?

Hmmmmm. August 18th. I have two finals in the morning. Also my brains hurts. Also. I cannot find anyone to go see Sufjan Stevens with me in Seattle. I do not want to go alone.... :( I mean...I could buy two tickets and then just randomly invite someone that I meet between now and then. BUT. That seems silly. Also. I have been listening to Glee music via youtube all night. Also. I really have not made much progress on this essay. Also. Well. Just know that not much has changed between yesterday and today. Sometimes life is like that. Now, go away. I am busy.


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

BEDA Day 17: Get a Real Job

First. You should know that Stephanie Perkins (no relation) is giving away an advanced copy of her book Anna and the French Kiss. You can find out about that here:

Second. You should know that my legs are hot. But not in a good way.

Third. You should know that I have gone to sleep every night this week desperately stressed out about what a failure I am at job hunting. I have had dozens of interviews in my life and have NEVER been hired after any of them. All of the jobs I have ever had did not interview before hiring. So. I have come to expect to never get a job after an interview ever in my life. Because if I cannot even get a job at Regal Cinemas or Forever 21 after they interview me why should I expect to get a job at Scholastic or Time Magazine or anywhere ever? What if I never get a job? How will I survive? How will I pay rent? Pay off my student loans? Pay to go to wizarding events? Help my brothers through college? How can I do anything if I cannot get a proper job? I have been stressing about this CONSTANTLY.

I cannot help blaming it on dumb things. Like appearance or something stupid. I mean. Obviously I look good on paper if people are calling me in for interviews. But what is it about meeting me in person that turns people off? Is it the way I talk? How young I look? What do I do wrong and how can I fix it?

Anyone have any advice? Aside from "rehearse" , "be yourself", "dress nice", "act professional". You know the normal bs. I have heard it. To no avail.

BEDA Day 16: Quotage

Hey guys!! It is finals week. Soooo....I have been studying, but while I was doing that I ran across some quotes that I liked:

“If the dead are not raised, Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die”
1 Corinthians 15:32

and this one:

"Let all that you do be done in love" 1 Corinthians 16:14

Make of that what you will.


Sunday, August 15, 2010

BEDA Day 15: Things I am looking forward to...

On my dashboard (the one on my Mac), I have a bunch of countdowns running. As of right now, they are (by title and time left):

"21st!"- 17 days and 25 minutes
"Boston"- 31 days, 9 hours, and 19 minutes
"Wrockstock!"- 80 days, 23 hours, and 24 minutes
"DEATHLY HALLOWS!!"- 95 days, 1 hour, 24 minutes
"Graduation"- 299 days and 23 minutes
"LEAKYCON!"- 331 days and 23 minutes

Also, summer quarter is over on the 21st of August at 1pm, after I turn my last assignment in. That is in less than a week folks!! Then I get a full month of actual summer. HOLLA!


PS. I had some really crazy dreams today. Really, really crazy. But oddly touching. There were babies. And also it started to snow in Seattle, in August. Needless to say, I slept all day. My dreams are crazier when I sleep in the afternoon. Haha. :)

Saturday, August 14, 2010

BEDA Day 14: Sara really has nothing interesting to say (...or at least no motivation to say it), but she will pretend to have a point.

Oh blog. For the first day all month, I nearly forgot about you. It was sunny as hale to day. Sunny and way hot. As a result my skin is a now a light shade of pink. I really have nothing interesting to say.


Well you see. Obviously, I have a problem with the notion of paying for parking. (As you can see from my parking ticket record.) Anyway. So I drove all over downtown Seattle trying to find cheap parking and when I finally found some, I was much further from my destination (The Seattle YouTube Gathering) than I thought. I had to walk for a billion miles to find it. After I left I walked in the direction of where I parked for a long time, but I forgot the exact streets and neighborhood. So I walked around in the hot sun for about a billion years and thought I might have to call someone to tell me where there were parking lots owned by the same company around me. Anyway. I eventually found it. And I know what you are thinking. You are thinking that I learned a lesson. That I will pay more attention to where I park from now on. Wrong. This has happened SEVERAL times before. I am just not used to having to pay so much attention to were I place my vehicle and it is just not a habit I see myself developing anytime soon. The point being that sometimes you just have to accept that you cannot fix every problem. I hate misplacing things. Like my phone and not remembering where I put this shirt or that assignment. But that does not mean I can actually expect to prevent it. Things get lost. Parking spaces get forgotten. I hated walking around for forever trying to find my car in 100,000,000,000,000 degree weather, but I am certain that it will happen again and there is just no use stressing over trying to prevent it.

The end.
I am boring.
I hate what BEDA has done to my blogging.

BEDA Day 13: Eat Pray Love

Technically it is no longer August 13th. So perhaps that means I fail for today. But I am going to blog about today (as in the the 13th) so....exception?

I just saw the movie Eat Pray Love. While I was watching it I thought about how theme parks always have music playing. Constantly. I understand why now. If the world had theme music playing constantly, where ever we went, it would be exceptionally more romantic and ideal. Because movies have soundtracks they give us an unrealistic expectation of life. Hey World, from now on could you please always play the perfect song for what is happening in my life and how I am feeling? Please, thank you.

In regards to the movie. I liked it (but I like almost everything). It was very relevant to how I think a lot of people think and feel. However, I did kind of feel like the main character sorta took on the characteristics of a Stephanie Meyer heroine. She made very rash decisions when it came to love and life. Meaning I could not always trust her decisions as what I would do in her situation. She was definitely ruled by in-the-moment emotions, which I mean, yes...I do that. But I often find myself wondering, "Did I make the right choice?" And I cannot help but imagine that she spent most of her time wondering the same. I believe this movie was made as an adaptation of a book, and I could definitely tell. This is one of those stories that the thoughts and emotions of the protagonist MAKE the story what it is. If I had more incite into the character's brain, I think it would have had an infinitely more powerful message, and I would have been able to relate to her more. Do not get me wrong. I liked it a lot. The message was great and the story was very beautiful and one that any person who is human can relate to and understand. But I am certain that the book is better. In conclusions, it is a much more substantial movie that the ones you can usually see these days. I would say borderline Wes Andersonesque. Deep. Emotional. True. Literary? I dunno...I could say more. But for now...

In other news, I got a parking ticket while I was in the movie.
Parking tickets this year: 10
Parking tickets in my life: 11


Thursday, August 12, 2010

BEDA Day 12: Blood is extra. (Commence ranting.)

My head hurts and my eyes are burning with the power of ten thousand suns. My head hurts every day. It is dumb. I always blame my glasses. Which is silly. I blame my eyes on the abundance of mascara I am wearing right now. This is because I had a job interview today at Forever 21. I am not sure I will get it. I have never gotten a job after doing an interview. Ever. Ever. Ever. Also, today it was a "group interview", which means they call in a bunch of people at once and interview you all at the same time, right in front of each other. Weird. But interesting. Better than the one on one, because it ensured that I was a tad bit less weird, but also more uncomfortable, because you have a whole bunch of people judging you at once. I do not think I did terrible, but I am not going to say I stood out. Plus, I think availability is an issue. My schedule is as every changing as the tide. As a matter of fact, the reworked schedule that I wrote down at the interview this afternoon is now no longer valid. Why? Because I got into this class that I have been checking EVERYDAY. ALL. SUMMER. for openings. There was one today, and I pounced on it like a tiger. However, immediately after I registered for it I started second guessing the decision. The reason for my lack of certainty revolves entirely around this fact: I have absolutely no confidence in myself as a writer. Not even an shred of an ounce. I am operating on the idea that I have very little chance of getting into the Creative Writing major. My entire purpose of transferring to this school was the prestigious and highly competitive Creative Writing major, but I cannot help but assume that everything I write is complete and total utter crap. In addition to this, I have recently gained the fear that the way I form sentences and manipulate the English language is "awkward" and "clunky". How can it be that something as simple as stringing together sentences is my downfall? It is almost like I am writing as if English is my second language. It all just makes me feel like I just need to give up. Especially being involved in the major. Learning about stuff that I always knew (being a reader) but never had to force myself to think about before is making me loose even more confidence in myself. I feel like thinking about it makes me over think about it, and my skills deteriorate with all the stress that comes with this knowledge. But maybe I am making excuses. Maybe I just suck. The problem is. There is no way to know. Your own writing always seems so different to you than it does to your reader. By an effing landslide. It is as trivial as figuring out the difference between self-image and how the rest of the world sees you. Anyway. End rant.

What do you tend to feel under confident about? Dreams that you feel like you need to give up on?

PS. Title explanation: Is started as "In which Sara beats herself up. Literally. (Blood is extra.)" Ha? HaHa?

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

BEDA Day 11: Regrets

In my "Drafts" folder of my text messages on my phone, I have a whole bunch of saved messages to myself. Just little things that I think about and want to write down. Usually, the purpose of this is to make note of it, so I can use the ideas in blogs or poems or stories and sometimes unfortunately, essays I happen to by thinking about. Well anyway, I was just going through some of them for something to write about for today, but I feel kind of weird writing about them. It is weird to try to write "deep" stuff when you are not in a "deep" mood. But whatevah.

Here is the one I am going to write about today: "Every moment and choice in your life becomes part of who you are. Of your story. And it will never go away."

Now, I think what I was thinking about when I wrote this down (many months ago, I think) was this: You know when you are thinking about something, anything that happened in your life and you get that feeling of...regret. That feeling that you wish you could erase this one thing from your life. But the thing is, you cannot. Everything that you ever do ever becomes a part of you. And at the moment that something happens you think it is "not a big deal". The present always seems like "not a big deal". It feels like it will not really affect your life, but the fact that you can remember it at anytime means that it DOES affect your life. Somehow it becomes a part of who you are. Me, sitting here on this couch right now, making a mild attempt at my homework will become a part of me. One day, I might regret this. In fact, every memory I have of myself accomplishing very little becomes minutes of my life that I regret. But they are part of me, and I cannot take that back. You cannot relive your minutes, so I suppose the point is to make the most of the ones you have. What I am particularly referring to are little moments. Tiny memories. Like the decision to drink that one July night when I was 17 and missing swimming practice the next day, letting my team down. Or the decision an hour ago to stay here and accomplish nothing when I could have gone to the store with some of my housemates and bonded a bit. While I do not regret that hugely now. I am sure one day I will be upset with myself for being so antisocial this summer. Or maybe all the hours upon hours I have spent wasting time this year that will mean a poorer GPA than I would like. Or even just deciding to sleep through my morning class today. That could be the one day that means my grade and ruins something about my life. I mean. Maybe those are not great examples. But the point is that things that seem like "not a big deal" at the time are often the things that you look back on and remember and wish that you could erase them from part of your life. This is something that I definitely think middle school, high school, college age kids should think about. Sleeping with that one guy or taking that one drug might seem like no big deal at the time, but they might become the things that you are really, really ashamed of later in life and you wish you could forget. And, I mean, you can hide these things from the people in your life...but you will never really be able to erase them from your life story.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

BEDA Day 10: That is a FACT Jack!

Hello blog! How are you today?! My name is Sara! We have met. ...too much recently. Now I am going to tell you some FACCCTS:

1) Seattle smells like fish.
2) I had to turn in my short story today. I was not happy with it.
3) The Harry Potter Exhibition is coming to Seattle! ZOMG!!
4) I stole a cup from a restaurant today.
a) It looked like bamboo.
b) There is a story that goes with this.
5) Matt Lewis is in the same city as me RIGHT NOW!
a) I have no idea why.
6) I am still unemployed! (This is bad.)
7) Next week is my last week of summer classes! Then I FINALLY get summer break!
8) I am wearing too much make-up right now.
9) I have no idea where I am going to move to at the end of the month!
10) I REALLY need to trim my hair.
11) The Twilight/Eclipse soundtrack is still stuck in my cd player in my macbook. :(
12) Being vegan is my one true talent. It comes to me so naturally.
13) My sinuses just plugged up, out of nowhere and for no reason.
14) I have a running bucket-list.
a) I should post it here.
15) There is a person who is "the voice in my head" that I wish wasn't.
16) I believe the universe led me to Seattle for a reason...I just don't know what it is yet.
a) There is a story that goes with this, as well.
17) Seattle YouTube Gathering next weekend! Woooooo!
18) My short story writing teacher looks and sounds like Tina Fey.
a) She is funny.
b) She is the strictest teacher I have ever had.
c) It is upsetting.
19) I have been to Forks. And enjoyed it.
20) I am adding "I Cross My Heart" by George Straight to my list of songs.
21) This blog was not even remotely predetermined.


Monday, August 9, 2010

BEDA Day 9: Human Interest Stories

You know how something can really, really bother you until you say it out loud or write it down, and then as soon as it is outside of your brain you are just over it? That was what yesterday was like. As soon as all that stuff was outside of my mind, I felt better. I even almost deleted my post, because it just did not matter so much anymore. But that would be cheating. :D

Anyway. Today, I am going to tell you some (as in two) stories about people who are not me.

Last summer, there was a day at work in which one of my coworkers got a call, from her parents, saying that her younger sister (about 7) had been hit by a car. Her sister ended up being okay, except she was paralyzed from the waist down. :( Well, I just found out that that little girl's funeral was today. One year later. The last I heard about it, she was getting better... I dunno. Being from a small town, I just feel like I should have paid more attention to the situation. Been there. ...It is just very sad. :(

A girl in my house works for Enterprise Rent-a-Car. According to hearsay this is what happened to her today: A group of people--two girls and one guy--dropped off a car at her work today. They had driven from Kansas to meet up with people who they had met online. However, the people they were supposed to meet with stood them up. So these three people from Kansas are stranded in Seattle. Apparently, they ran out of money at some point, and the one girl was only there, because the other too were using her as a pocket of money. So once they ran out, she got like banished from their good graces. That girl called her mother and the mother wired her money to get a bus home to Kansas. The girl I live with drove her to the bus stop, and the girl talks about there being a cat in the car. She said they had never let the cat out the whole trip, and it was just sitting in its own pee in its little kennel. Also, that they had not fed it because they did not want it to poop, and were just planning on letting it go instead of worrying about it. Um...bad pet owners much? Anyway. So the one girl goes home via bus. But the other two are stuck here in Seattle. The girl I live with had to help them unload the car and all that business. She said that it was full of luggage, as if they thought they were moving, and it reeked of cat pee. She offered to call a place that would take the cat for them and take care of it. But, I guess they had let it go before she got a chance to offer. They said, "We let it out to give it some food, and it just ran away." Lies. So now that cat is just run wild and homeless in the city of Seattle. Now, the car was super messed up and has to get detailed and stuff. Needless to say all the charges are going to go to that poor girl who paid for the trip and went home on the bus. The two people left had no where to be (because the people had stood them up) and no money to get back home (because they were like...planning on staying here with those people long term). But I guess the man had a bunch of ninja swords that he planned on selling or pawning in order to buy bus tickets to get them home to Kansas. And that is all I know up until now...last I heard they were still at Enterprise Rent-A-Car trying to figure themselves out. Trip gone wrong much? :(

K. That is all. NIGHT.