Blogger said I could "add some words to your blog - like a welcome message - with our rich text editor". I complied.

PS. I am just going to tell you right now. I do not proofread this stuff. You get it as I think it.

Friday, May 14, 2010

why hello there

hello. i bet you are wondering. why does the world seem so much better than it did a few minutes ago? well. that is because you are here. you have found my blog.

i am sara. and APPARENTLY it is no longer "cool" to blog on myspace or facebook like the good old days. so i made myself this blogger page. did i make the right choice? i am not sure. there were so many to choose from. indecision! anyway. i picked this one. so here we are.

see i used to blog a lot. i used to obsess about blogging. i loved it. i even wrote a blog once about how much i love blogging. you can read that here if you like evidence. but then one day i stopped blogging. i stopped wanting people to know things about me. that is why my myspace page currently has NO information. which is kind of sad i guess. i dunno. sometimes life sucks and sometimes we do weird things to cope with the suckfest. i decided to stop existing i guess? i have no idea. WHATEVAH! because i am going to start blogging again. i am going to start saying my thoughts and stuff. and i am excited/scared/nervous? who knows.

sooooooo. if you like weird use of capitalization and girls who think they are way deeper than they really are (but not in that sense) and are sometimes (lets be honest most of the time) what people refer to as "insane" but are really just hilarious and very in touch with their "shadow side" then you are in the right place!

if you are still reading this i want you to know that i am scared. i am scared of people judging me. it would be easy to not let people know my thoughts. but would it be? the judgingness of people really makes it hard to exist properly. know what i mean? i hate being judged. i hate being told that i am "too" much of something. i hate the word "too". too short. too loud. too obsessed. too. too. too. everything is relative. maybe you are just too quiet? anyway. having people think negative things about you sucks. and i know you know what i mean. and i know you know what it feels like to judge yourself through other people's minds by imagining how they are judging you. but i am not going to be afraid anymore. i will not judge you if you do not judge me? deal?

now. i want you to judge me. how do you feel about this layout? the colors? did i say too many words in this blog? are you so bored? should i be cooler? funnier? well. i will be. stick round sugar.

also. i love you.

p.s. song of the moment: faith in fast cars by the format. listened to it like 50 times today.

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